Ranked 49th out of 16,783 in The Sunday Times Parent Power league tables of the best primary schools in England. The ranking is based upon average scores in English, grammar and maths.

Year 5


We hope that you had a lovely summer break. Welcome to the autumn term where we look forward to the continuing partnerships between home and school. 

Our goal is to create confident, fluent, independent readers. We prioritise reading at Latchmere School and have very carefully chosen the texts your child will study this term. We focus on word reading to develop fluency and encourage the whole class to join in through strategies such as choral reading (the whole class read together) and echo reading (the teacher models the reading and the class echo back). We also have the Latchmere Reading skills. These are based on comprehension skills such as retrieval, inference, summarising, making links, prediction and vocabulary.

In Year 5, we will be studying The Whale and A Christmas Carol as class texts and excerpts from a selection of books and poetry including Oliver Twist and The Daydreamer as our guided reading books. 


Our curriculum is based on the White Rose Maths programme. This research-based initiative ensures that the skills and concepts children taught are fully embedded before moving on. The children are taught strategies such as bar modelling and have plenty of opportunities to use ‘manipulatives’ such as counters and dienes all the way through the school.  

This term we will be focusing on place value, addition and subtraction, fractions and multiplication and division 

Children should also use the Times Tables Rockstars program to increase their quick recall of multiplication and related division facts. 


Pupils will complete indoor and outdoor P.E. lessons during Autumn term on the following days 

Austen Class - Every Tuesday and Friday  

Wilson, Coehlo and Shakespeare Classes - Every Tues and Thursday 

Curriculum Highlights

This term, we will learn about rivers and, later in the term, about the Victorian eraIn Science, we will focus on the solar system and materials. 

You can find out more information about the autumn term learning by looking at the overviews and programmes of study on the website. 

Home Learning

Reading books and reading journals should be brought to school every day. The reading records have space for keeping a record of books read, and every third or so page has a creative space where your child can make a response to the book they are currently readingThe teacher will have informed the children which day their record should be handed in.  We encourage you to still hear your child read at this stage and also for you to read to them. We would really value a parental comment in the book each week as this shows the children that we have a partnership with you and take reading very seriously.   

The home learning grid is filled with creative ideas and we expect all children to complete one English, one maths and one creative task every half termPlease speak to your child’s teacher if your child finds a particular subject in the grid more challenging and requires extra support (in addition to that given in class) to complete it. 

English and the children will be set one piece each week from Thursday 25th April to Thursday 23rd May, and again from 8th June to 6th July inclusively. Please encourage and support your child to use TTRS, Century and Spellzone to assist their learning. If your child does not yet know their tables to 12 x 12 for instant recall, then we suggest that they access TTRS on a daily basis. Also, if your child finds spelling tricky, then daily work Century should help their progress. We will be encouraging the children to use these programs with class and year group competitions.


The home learning grid is filled with creative ideas and we expect all children to complete one English, one maths and one creative task every half term. Please speak to your child’s teacher if your child finds a particular subject in the grid more challenging and requires extra support (in addition to that given in class) to complete it.


We encourage all children to use Century, an online learning portal, at home as much as possible. Century uses the White Rose Maths scheme of learning for maths and also offers children an opportunity to progress their English and foundation subject knowledge.

Thank you in advance for all of your support in the year ahead,

Kind regards,

The Year 5 Team

Mr Morris, Miss Trigg, Mr Cooper and Mrs Board 

Key Dates

As usual, we are delighted to be able to offer swimming lessons to pupils at Latchmere. Lessons for year 5 will take place in the Summer term. You will receive a letter containing details of arrangements. 


In the weeks commencing 18th and 25th September, we will be visiting the Riverboat Project at Teddington Lock. A letter with all the details will be sent out over the coming week but class visits will run as follows: 

Austen - September 25th  

Coehlo - September 26th 

Shakespeare - October 2nd 

Wilson - October 3rd 


The residential trip to Hindleap Warren is set to take place on Wednesday January 22nd – Friday January 24th, 2025. Please begin to think about the kit that your child will need for an activity filled week in the outdoors in winter. It is a wonderful experience for the children and a trip that all staff and pupils enjoy immensely. More details will follow over the coming weeks. 


On Tuesday 24th September, there will be an opportunity for parents of year 5 pupils to attend a ‘Meet the teacher’ presentation by the year 5 team. This will include a brief overview of the years learning and extra-curricular activities.  

The presentation will begin at 9:15 in Innovation House. Please arrive via the main school office shortly beforehand. 

Updates and reminders

  • The children should arrive at school at 8:45 (gates open). At 8:50, children will line up on the playground to come into the classroom. 

  • Any break-time snacks should be healthy and not include crisps or sweets. 
  • Please ensure that all medication is within date. Please speak directly to the main office regarding medication that is kept in school. 
  • Class teachers liaise with their class reps on a regular basis. Please keep an eye out for emails or Whatsapp messages they may send regarding dates, PE kit etc. 
  • Please ensure that as the weather gets colder your child comes to school with a coat, hat, gloves etc. They will be allowed to wear these items of clothing in addition to Latchmere PE kit for outdoor PE lessons if it is cold. 

Class Assemblies 

Performances will take place in the afternoon with exact timing to follow. The dates for year 5 assemblies are as follows:  

Austen16th January 

Coehlo30th January 

Shakespeare – 13th February 

Wilson – 27th February